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Bellevue Temporary Protection Order Lawyers

Having a temporary protection order granted against you and being accused of stalking, harassing or abusing another individual can severely damage your reputation. When served with a temporary restraining order, you deserve to have the support of the tenacious and trusted attorneys at Vindicate Criminal Law Group.

We do not take these types of legal cases lightly and will help you build a strategy to protect your name, reputation and rights. Our Bellevue criminal defense lawyers can offer legal insight while ensuring you adhere to all terms of the temporary restraining order and that you get your chance to respond to the order at a court hearing in the future.

What Is A Temporary Protection Order?

A temporary protection order is a legal decree granted by judges to protect an individual who is currently in immediate danger. These orders are typically decided upon urgently, as the petitioner’s safety is often in question. Additionally, the person against whom the claims are being made will not make an appearance during the hearing. They will have a chance to defend themselves at a later date.

What Are The Different Types Of Protection Orders?

In Washington, courts err on the side of caution to prevent violence or an escalation of the situation. To determine which type of protection order is right for the circumstances, courts consider each of the following options:

  • Domestic violence protection order: This type of protection order is used when family members of significant others are accused of threatening or abusing their partner or relative. Furthermore, there does not need to currently be a relationship between the filer and the accused.
  • Sexual assault protection order: Individuals who have been accused of committing sexual assault could have a protection order place against them. A sexual assault protection order prohibits the accused offender from attempting to make contact with the petitioner. Additionally, parents or guardians can also file for this type of protection order if the victim is a minor.
  • Antiharassment protection order: Washington residents alleged to have emotionally abused an individual could be the subject of this type of protection order. In the majority of cases involving antiharassment protection orders, there is a pattern of disturbing behavior, but in some cases, protection orders can be obtained after a single instance.
  • Stalking protection order: Stalking protection orders are used when an individual is in fear for their safety due to being constantly followed. Offenders will be prevented from contacting the plaintiff or tracking there whereabouts after this protection order is granted.
  • Extreme risk protection order: This type of protection order differs from the rest as the petitioner is generally not the person deemed to be in danger. Extreme risk protection orders are used to protect individuals who may be at risk of harming themselves or their loved ones in other cases. Law enforcement officials, health care providers or family members can file for this specific protection order.
  • Vulnerable adult protection order: Adults who are physically or mentally incapable of taking care of themselves may require a vulnerable adult protection order. Individuals commonly file for this type of protection order because a vulnerable adult in their life is at risk of being taken advantage of financially or neglected entirely. The vulnerable adult themselves, a family member or a caretaker can submit an application for the order of protection.

Your Rights To Challenge A Protection Order

Once a judge grants a temporary protection order, you will have the opportunity to defend yourself in court. Within 14 days the judge will hold a hearing to determine whether the order will be permanent or not. This is your opportunity to challenge the protection order or to argue that less restrictions should be place upon you.

What Are The Penalties For Violating A Protection Order?

If a Washington residents has successfully obtained a protection order against you, it is imperative to adhere to the requirement to avoid further legal trouble. A violation of a temporary protection order could cause you to face gross misdemeanor charges which carry a fine up to $5,000 and the possibility of a jail sentence of one year or less. If an assault or other act of violence occurred during the alleged violation, your charges could increase to a Class C felony, which could lead to a 5-year prison sentence and a $10,000 fine.

Learn How We Can Support You During A Free Consultation

Regardless of the reason why a protection order was filed against you, our attorneys will be by your side to defend you. For the best chances of protecting your rights and reputation, be sure to find a respected attorney as soon as possible. Our team of lawyers are prepared to offer our assistance and empathy. To speak with one of our attorneys, call our office at 855-898-2542 or email our staff.