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Should You Prepare for Trial Even if a Plea Deal is Possible?

On Behalf of | May 25, 2021 | Criminal Defense

Should you prepare for trial even if a plea is possible?

If you are accused of committing a crime, you need to know your rights. Right away, you should get in touch with your criminal defense attorney who can begin working on your case.

Your attorney will talk to you about all the factors involved and what they think you can expect for an outcome based on the information at hand. They can then help you decide if you want to seek a plea, or if the prosecution’s case seems weak and trial may be in your best interests.

Waiting for a plea doesn’t mean waiting to prepare

Some people believe their attorney won’t prepare for trial until after they know if a plea is going to be possible, but the truth is far from that. From the start, your attorney should be building a case against the prosecution’s claims. They should be preparing to speak to a judge and jury and to have a selection of witnesses there to speak on your behalf.

Your attorney’s job is to prepare for trial even if it ends up being unnecessary.

A plea deal may be offered at some point. If it is, and if you accept it, your case may not have to go to trial. This may be ideal if you want to avoid a public trial, but if you’re not pleading guilty or aren’t interested in the offer, then you will head to trial instead.

What can you do to help your criminal attorney with your case?

As a defendant, you want to ensure your attorney is prepared by offering them all the information you have. If your attorney is blindsided by information that you didn’t offer up immediately, then they may not have a counterargument for what’s being said.

Your job is to be truthful and thorough with what you tell your attorney, and theirs is to build a case that shows you in the best possible light while protecting your privacy and personal liberties. While a plea deal may be the right choice, you still want them to be prepared to fight in court.


