Facing Serious Charges? You Need Our Trusted Criminal Defense Team.

Practice Areas

Criminal Defense Overview

Our criminal defense attorneys understand the permanent impact a record of a criminal case can have on an individual’s life. Vindicate Criminal Law Group is here to defend you against the state’s criminal law accusations and achieve justice for your case.

Sex Crime

Vindicate Criminal Law Group criminal defense attorneys understand the severity a sex crime can have on an individual’s life. Our sex crimes defense includes a variety of categories, including:

Domestic Violence

Vindicate Criminal Law Group understands the hardships of a domestic violence dispute. Self-defense, accidental injury and false accusations are all plausible factors in comprehending a domestic violence incident. Let the criminal defense attorneys at Vindicate Criminal Law Group guide you through the legal process. We defend crimes such as:

Assault And Battery

Vindicate Criminal Law Group of Seattle and Tacoma, Washington, defends against criminal law charges of assault and battery. Our team of attorneys acknowledges the role that self-defense can have during these events.

Juvenile Crimes

The lawyers at Vindicate Criminal Law Group specialize in juvenile crimes. Young adults do not realize that their actions can affect the trajectory of the rest of their lives, so have the criminal defense attorneys at Vindicate Criminal Law Group assist you in combating the criminal law charges.

Military Criminal Defense

Vindicate Criminal Law Group are experts in military criminal defense, benefiting not only from 20 years of experience but also from the military service of our lawyers. We proudly serve the Seattle and Tacoma, Washington, area. Contact us today for your confidential case evaluation or call 855-898-2542.